
David Klement

Mr. Klement will conduct a presentation on fireworks. He will inform visitors on how they are created and why they are so spectacular and dangerous at the same time. There will also be a firework show after the presentation for you.

Paint Day

Bring your friends, family and your creativity! We will have a guest artist to come teach a class. Paints and supplies will be provided. Come and receive your first painting lesson or be inspired to paint by a true professional!

Light Show

Come see a light show with lasers and other lights that move with the music! This month's theme is The Beatles. Listen to your favorite Beatles songs and watch as they come alive with light and color, it will be unlike anything you have seen before in your life.

Snow Patrol

This month's live performance will be from Snow Patrol. This is an alternative rock band that focuses on dramatic lyrics and an up beat rhythm. They will preform in our ampitheater at 8pm. This performance is free with admission to the museum.

Birthday Bash

Thomas Rodriguez is currently one of our featured artists on display and it turning 91 in honor of all his accomplishments, the museum is throwing him an extrodinary birthday party! You are invited to join in the fun! There will be free food, performers, balloons, live music and best of all free admission to the museum!